Suddenly I’m getting upset, “my baby is growing up”. And from upset it turns to be nervous as tomorrow he will start to go to kindee”. I’m not really sure what I’m feeling right now, worry? happy? nervous? afraid?. Actually it was the big moment that I’ve been waiting for a long time but I’m so worried when I was thinking about Ashraff. How could he handle it even everyday he keeps stuck on me? Even to play outside he always needs me to accompany him.

"Art is in his blood wakaka!!!!!"

I woke up around 5.30 am, hadn’t slept well last night. May be too excited to face Ashraff’s Big Day. Prepared breakfast and Ashraff’s lunch box. I was woke up Ashraff at 6.30 am, evacuated him from bed to the sofa and made sure Hi-5 program keep still on tv with unusual high volume in early morning. Ready hot milk in the bottle. Today I need to treat him bit different and more special just to make sure he will wake up in a good mood.

At 8.15 am we were already at the in front of Awapuni Kindergarten main gate. Ashraff looked bit quite then before as if he lost his confident, oOOO I’d got bad feeling about that. Coz too excited I left his bag and lunch box at home. Ops! Kinda bad starting. When I came back to kindee again I saw his daddy was standing outside the class. No Ashraff with him.
“Where Ashraff?”, I asked him.
“I left him with his teacher”, Daddy said.
“Is he alright”, keep on asking.
He only gave little shrugged. We get in to the class and saw Ashraff was standing still next to his teacher and new friends. He looked sad and almost crying. When he saw us he ran and hugged me and pleaded not to leave him there alone. Goshh, now I’m realise that today not only Ashraff’s first day of kindee but me either as I wasn’t attending kindergarten when I was kids. And I need to admit that my boy is no longer a baby.

"Mat Time"

"Story Time"

"Lunch Time"