Me and some of Malaysian friends were invited to the Christmas party which held in St. Alban Church. Ops! That wasn’t ritual ceremony but kind of fun party. 50% of guests were from different countries; China, Indonesia, Hong Kong, Russia, German, Spain, Pakistan, India and many more. As written in the invitation letter all guests should bring some food from their own culture. So that evening I brought the easiest dish to prepare ‘kuih ketayap’ while my friend Diyana came along with her ‘kuih bingka’. Actually we have no much time to prepare a complicated dish coz in that same day me, Diyana and Zeeras’s had organized some barbeque party for Aidil Adha celebration which started at 12.00 o’clock. Penat woooo……

That day, me and my gang were present 3 songs; Maori song, Spain and English. Hmm hampeh… although we had practiced before, we still didn’t memorize the lyrics. But everybody have fun. Whilst kiwi and the gang presented Christmas songs.

Mr. Santa came bit late but kids were waiting patiently. All parents look bored for waiting too long. Luckily they served food as first. But we were facing another big problem in how to recognize which was halal food. Luckily there was a kiwi’s Muslim woman named Lina approached us and showed us which food we can eat. Do you know what funny about Lina was. At first I met her with free hair and after a few minutes I saw her with veil. No comment as I’m not perfect about Muslimah’s dress.
Suddenly we heard a sound of some humming tune…”Dum te dum, dum te dum…HOHOHO!!!!!! outside the hall. Finally Mr. Santa Came with his sack full with present. And kids start screaming happily. Now time for present… yeeeehaaaa!!!!!
Suddenly we heard a sound of some humming tune…”Dum te dum, dum te dum…HOHOHO!!!!!! outside the hall. Finally Mr. Santa Came with his sack full with present. And kids start screaming happily. Now time for present… yeeeehaaaa!!!!!

"It was the highest christmas tree in Palmy"