March 30, 2011, I brought Ashraff to Klinik Muru for his fever. He got full package actually, fever, diarrhea and vomit. Dr. gave him a bunch of meds. After 2 days his conditions was getting worst. He was getting weak, losing his apatite on meal and his diarrhea made me freaked out. He did pass motion without conscious very often. In fact I had to put on him diapers all the time. Poor Ashraff, he really hates diapers. “I’m not a baby anymore, Mummy!”, he kept whining.

We decided to send him to hospital after feeling something was really wrong with him. He had to get through urine check. The result was infection in his urine. Dr. gave him a drip before another urine check. ‘Another urine check?”, that was weird and my guts said my little one was really sick this time. My goshh, I couldn’t bear to see during the nurse passing a needle through his skin into his vein. Ashraff didn’t cry but I could see his crumpled face in agony. I knew he suffered in pain. The second result was same and....he ended up that day in ward.